Parish Policy Documents

The Parish Council is currently in the process of reviewing all of its Policies and Procedures in line with regulations applying at the time.  The following documents have been reviewed and will continue to be reviewed on an Annual Basis or if regulations change in the interim period whichever is the earlier.

Archive up to 30/7/2021, documents can be accessed at The Treasure House Champney Road Beverley HU17 8HE, 

Data Protection Policy

Code of Conduct (Adopted 4 Nov 2021)

Complaints Procedure

Equality and Diversity Policy

Financial Regulations 2024 Pdf.

Standing Orders

Document Retention Policy 

Freedom of Information Procedure

Freedom of Information Policy (Publication Scheme)

Dignity at Work Policy - Adopted Sept 2022

Civility and Respect Policy - Adopted Sept 2022 

Privacy Notice 

Vacancy and Co-Option Procedure

General Policies

Allotment Policy

Tenancy Agreement (Example)

Seating Policy

Seating Application Form

Training and Development Policy


Further documents may be added to this section of the Website following review/acceptance and agreement by the Council.