Parish Plans

Emergency Plan

Easington Parish Council has completed the review of the Emergency Plan -  a copy of the new document is available on the link below, hard copies are also available by contacting the Parish Clerk and in the Community Centre.

Do you want to help? Have services/skills/vehicles/facilities you can provide in the event of an Emergency? - then please contact the Parish Clerk by completing and returning the form below.  Alternatively contact a Parish Councillor on the Emergency Plan Committee (see section under Councillors)

Emergency Plan Pdf. (redacted document)

Residents Letter - Complete and Return - if you want to Volunteer or if you feel you may need to request some additional assistance in the event of an Emergency.

Consent Form (word document) - Complete and return for your details to be included within the Emergency Plan.

Vulnerable Persons Information Pdf. (Northern Powergrid)

Gas Companies - Major Emergency Booklet pdf.

Maps of Area - Flood Zone 3 / Flood Zone 3 Map 2 - Easington Map / Easington Map 2

Parish Plan

2009 Parish Plan (Full)

2018 Parish Plan Recommendations (answered)

2023/2024 - Parish Plan Pdf. copy

Following completion of the questionnaire in 2023, Easington Parish Council has produced a Parish Plan 'Hard Copies' of which are available in the Community Hall, if you want a copy in your household please contact the Parish Clerk who will arrange for a one to be provided to you.  It is hoped that most resident's will be happy to view the Parish Plan via the website.

Our aim is to use the Parish Plan as the basis for our projects over the coming years, we may not be able to carry out some of the work required as it is out of our control, but where we can do the Parish Council will consider it, some of the items do have cost implications which again we have to take into account as we try and balance keeping the precept to a reasonable level but include projects requested.

If you have any thoughts or wish to discuss any aspect of the plan please get in touch with any of your elected Councillors, they will be happy to engage with you.