Parish Information

Easington Parish Council is committed to providing the highest standard of quality information, and every attempt has been made to present up to date and accurate details. 

We aim to provide residents with a method of keeping everyone informed about what is happening in our parish, including information relevant to our area. Important news will also be posted on our Notice Board.

We hope you will find the information published here useful.


What have the Parish Council been doing recently?

This year the Parish Council has improved the area by having a Defibrillator installed at Out Newton, arranging the Text Messaging service in conjunction with the Gas Companies, arranging the tidy up of the 'Village Garden' and finalising the Parish Plan.

2024 - Arranged the installation of a Litter Bin on Hull Road Easington.


Grass Cutting Tender 2023

The Grass Cutting Tender has been awarded to Yorkshire and Humber Ground Maintenance - this company has carried out the work for the previous 2 years and the contract has been awarded for a 3 year period.


Environment Agency Flood-line Number: 0345 988 1188



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